
How to Create Chinese Tiktok "Douyin" Account ?

Douyin-抖音 is a short video media app owned by China’s young tech giant Bytedance.

The app allows users to create, edit, and share short videos as well as livestreams, often featuring music in the background.

Douyin’s international name is TikTok, an app that looks the same as Douyin, while in fact, the two are not one and the same, despite Bytedance’s efforts to brand it as such.



Download the Douyin App

The first step to create a Douyin account is to download the Douyin App.

Download Douyin on Android

For Android users, you can download Douyin by merely finding the APK via a search engine, or via the following link:



Download Douyin on iOS

For iOS users, there will be extra steps.

To do so:

Open the “App Store” App on your iPhone.

Click the profile icon on the top-right of the page

Click on your name/email to open your profile


Select “Country/Region”


Click “Change Country or Region”


Select “China mainland” and follow the steps

If your iOS store location isn’t already in China, you must switch region before downloading the App.


Search for Douyin in the app store

Locate the app, and then click on the ‘install’ icon.


Open the app and sign up for an account

Once the app has downloaded, open it up from your home screen and complete the same steps as above:

Click ‘同意’ to the terms and conditions pop-up 


Tap the ‘我’ tab in the bottom right hand corner


Type in your mobile number (with the correct country code) 


Tap ‘获取短信验证码’ in the pink button 


Enter the SMS code sent to your phone


Click ‘Login’ in the pink button


You can then start using your Chinese TikTok account on your iOS device.



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